Logging HTML and the forms using Jquery
I need to log the html, to do this you can just add $.('html') but in here if there is form on the html it wouldn't save the input...
So found a code that combines them together i think this works just fine for logging a website using jquery :)
$(".loghtml").click(function(){ $('form input').each(function() { this.setAttribute('value', this.value); }); $('form select').each(function() { var index = this.selectedIndex; var i = 0; $(this).children('option').each(function() { if (i++ != index) this.removeAttribute('selected'); else this.setAttribute('selected', 'selected'); }); }); $('form textarea').each(function() { $(this).html($(this).val()); }); var src = $('HTML'); console.log(src); });