Stripe API laravel Finally got a chance to try out stripe, in Indonesia, we don't use Stripe that much because it uses a different currency and most of my client uses IDR, not USD.
Netsuite header login I think this was the one that takes longer, instead of the others, there are not many examples about this, and most are in javascript and the most of examples or packages are not rest but soap, so to get this working I had to use postman to make OAuth
Setting up Work & Gaming Environment for MacBook Pro m1 I just got this new M1 MacBook pro and I'm clueless about everything, yeah I know a bit of mac but need a little effort to get used to this MacBook pro. Well, I will be using this for mainly work though but with a little bit of custom of
Hooked The Hook Model Introduction 1. Trigger A trigger is the actuator of behavior, the spark plug in the engine. Triggers come in two types: external and internal. Habit-forming products start by alerting users with external triggers like an email, a website link, or the app icon on the phone. 2.
Preventing emails from going to Spam / Junk As I was trying this, I uses Route 53, usually in zoho mail when I setup the domain for email it gives you step by step for what to put in records but not in Route 53. So there was a complaint that it keeps on going to spam / junk,
Lightsail AWS restore and backup As I was minding my own business, someone warns me that we have malware in our system. I checked and it's true the CPU load is about 95% takes most of the resource. So I checked if we have any snapshots in lightsail and luckily we have for a week
Harga TK Dan KB (Playgroup / Preschool) Bogor Taman Kanak Kanak (TK) Taman kanak-kanak adalah tahap selanjutnya ketika anak telah lulus dari kelompok bermain. Lembaga pendidikan ini ditujukan untuk anak usia 4-6 tahun. Berbeda dari kelompok bermain, TK termasuk dalam lembaga pendidikan formal. TK Sahabat Alam Parung Website Harga Uang Pangkal Rp 3.
Installing Laravel in Cpanel First it was a bit frustrated, since I usually use our own server when installing laravel, I know this can be done though, so I made a new subdomain first to be sure and this is where you can't use command line at all which most of every web development
Vue - The Complete Guide (w/ Router, Vuex, Composition API) Vue.js (Vue) is a javascript framework that makes building interactive and reactive web frontends (= browser-side web application) easier. Javascript - A programming language that is supported by all browsers. It allows you to manipulate the already running page and hence provide richer user experiences. Framework - A framework is
Master the Coding Interview: Data Structures + Algorithms Getting more Interviews Resume Use this online resume maker Keypoint on having a nice resume - Should be One page, Relevant Skills (spesific job - spesific skills), Personalized ( dont use the same resume for every, customize the name ) , Online Link (github, website, portfolio) LinkedIn Portfolio Email