Fractal Laravel
So what i need was an simple api with pagination, found this package the documentation was not quite simple so had little research. In this example I'm using article, so first create Transformer folder.
Father has passed away
My father has a lump in his liver, we had gone to the doctor but they said it was a cancer. His stomach always full of liquid ( says the doctor ) but other doctor it's full of gas. He was treated in the hospital (RSCM) 2 times because of his low
Setting Laravel with Bitbucket Pipeline
Before enabling bitbucket pipeline, Create bitbucket-pipelines.yml in main folder
# This is a sample build configuration for PHP.
# Check our guides at for more examples.
# Only use spaces to indent your .yml configuration.
# -----
# You can specify a custom docker image from Docker Hub
Learning on how to learn Notes
Importance in learning
Practice makes permanent. When you're learning, what you want to do is study something. Study it hard by focusing intently. Then take a break or at least change your focus to something different for awhile.
During this time of seeming relaxation, your brain's diffuse mode has a
Extending 5 year car registration
In Jakarta we extend 5 year in Polda Metro Jaya, It was my first time and it was pretty easy... My mistake was going to park first before going to check physical car check, so next time don't park just go straight to physical car check it cost only 10k
77 Mantra Meningkatkan Produktivitas diri ala miliarder
* Setelah masuk pada suatu bidang pekerjaan, lanjutkan terus sampai tuntas
* Don't worry about failure you only have to be right once, tidak jera, mencoba resep sampai akhirnya menemukan takaran yang pas.
* Kuncinya jangan takut gagal dan jangan bosan belajar dari kesalahan, Jangan bosan belajar dari kesalahan
* Untuk bisa produktif, jam
Laravel Vue CRUD
Just started to learn this vue crud where I would need this for later use. So I started try this youtube tutorial below learn everything i need to know about making crud in vue.
Install Dependencies
composer install
Run Migrations
php artisan migrate
Import Articles
php artisan db:seed
Privacy policy , Terms and condition and cookie policy
For a long time, I've been struggling on creating privacy policy and terms and condition but now I found this generator site , and All you need to do is to put the company name, website name and website
Interleaving in learning
So in learning, I just learned there are 2 types of skills where it involves practicing. "Blocking" involves practicing one skill at a time before the next and there's "Interleaving" where you practice several skills together.
New research shows that interleaving produces long-lasting benefits for skill, so my thought about
Aku bukan budak gaji
- secara pribadi anda harus memiliki perencanaan untuk memiliki pengetahuan keuangan. sebab memiliki uang adalah kekuatan dan anda jangan menggantungkan kebebasan keuangan anda kepada orang lain atau sengaja meninggalkan kebebasan keuangan.
- kebiasaan mengatur keuangan lebih penting daripada jumlah uang itu sendiri.- Pertanyaan untuk direnungi. apakah tujuan hidup anda?