Asus X450JN fixing Wifi In ubuntu, I tried in 2 same type of laptop this happens, but here's to solve rfkill list There should be soft blocked: yes sudo modprobe -r acer-wmi cd /etc/modprobe.d sudo nano blacklist.conf
Adding Code Coverage install in ubuntu sudo apt-get install php-xdebug trouble No code coverage driver is available -> dont forget to install php-xdebug Install in intel mac pecl install xdebug Install in mac M1 file `which php` #mine is Mach-O 64-bit executable arm64 arch -arm64 pecl install xdebug #cd /opt/homebrew/etc/php/
Using Mailables Markdown Laravel Just to make it short this is just to make mailables markdown template, which has been useful to me. php artisan make:mail CreateOrder --markdown=mail.orders.created File app.mail.createOrder public function __construct($content) { $this->content = $content; } public function build() { return $this->from('[email protected]') ->subject(
Rangkuman 10 Langkah Financial Planner Untuk diri sendiri Seorang Freelancer harus membuat bujet keuangan yang jelas. * Mencatat semua kebutuhan anda * Membuat anggaran yang ideal +Hemat tidak sama dengan pelit. Kesalahan-kesalahan finansial yang sering dilakukan oleh para freelance * Tidak memiliki dana darurat * tidak mempersiapkan pembayaran pajak * Tidak memperlakukan diri sendirise perti sebuah bisnis * Hidup tanpa kendali Mutlak dimiliki oleh
Redo Flashdisk USB After Creating bootdisk Ubuntu This happens when I create Ubuntu live CD bootdisk then when i try to use the disk it only has 2MB of space. Fixed this in windows Windows R and type diskpart. type list disk type select disk X, type clean. type create partition primary. After this remove and insert
Checking Out Laravel Dusk Was trying to figure out why should I use Dusk over PHPunit where Dusk also uses PHPunit for test, so I found out that the different between PHPunit and Dusk is that when your application uses Javascript, those javascript aren't being tested because isn't a browser, but with Dusk it
Backup Laravel and Database This just helps a lot on backing up database and app, this package is a simple backup was enough even thought you can backup to S3, Rackspace, dropbox and custom ftp. composer require spatie/laravel-backup Register Provider // config/app.php 'providers' => [ // ... Spatie\Backup\BackupServiceProvider::class, ]; php artisan vendor:publish --provider=
Hunting Sekolah Dasar Jakarta Selatan I haven't been in Jakarta long enough, so I may not know all the schools, well this is for you who need a report for all the schools in South Jakarta. I'm looking for an Islamic private school because my daughter wouldn't get into public school because of her age.
Boost Your Productivity Summary * Try thinking through your future commitments well in advance to see if any travel can be combined or eliminated * If less is more just think how much more could be * Focus on quality not quantity, remember that you don’t really have anything to add to a project, discussion, email.
Javascript Related Troubleshooting run npm command gives error "/usr/bin/env: node: No such file or directory" After installing node from ubuntu package manager ln -s /usr/bin/nodejs /usr/bin/node EACCES: permission denied, mkdir Trying bower install sudo bower install --allow-root