Takehome Anime Project & Interview

The assignment is simple but challenging enough to make, it consists of making a list of anime with pagination, searching for an anime, and having the detail page. The desired goals were Quality of code, scalable and maintainability, have a good experience in searching and viewing data. Requirements are convenient UX, unit tests, using nextJS or reactJS, historical and atomic commits, instructions for use at READ.md, and explanation at EXPLANATION.md. The bonuses are caching, offline capability, BEM standardization, responsiveness, and containerized apps.

API Resource: https://docs.api.jikan.moe/#tag/anime/operation/getAnimeSearch

First I checked which task needed to be taken down, for me it was listing the data, showing the data, and searching the data. Refactor all the code that can be moved to components while fixing the UI, then add some unit tests (didn't know what to use, so just checked the documentation, it's either Jest or Vitest). Jest was too complicated to start with so I used Vitest which I think is a much simpler way to make unit tests.

Atomic Commits

When possible, a commit should encompass a single feature, change, or fix. In other words, try to keep each commit focused on a single thing. This makes it much easier to undo or rollback changes later on. It also makes your code or project easier to review.


GitHub - madindo/anime: Amartha TakeHome Assignment
Amartha TakeHome Assignment. Contribute to madindo/anime development by creating an account on GitHub.


This is what was asked for the interview, some of the questions couldn't be answered but I think I did pretty well.

Why is there a lifecycle in React app?

In React, components have a lifecycle that consists of different phases. Each phase has a set of lifecycle methods that are called at specific points in the component's lifecycle. These methods allow you to control the component's behavior and perform specific actions at different stages of its lifecycle.

My answers were different, I chose to make an example of an Android app which have a lifecycle as well.

Below are some of the differences between a cookie, local storage, and session storage,

FeatureCookieLocal storageSession storage
Accessed on client or server sideBoth server-side & client-sideclient-side onlyclient-side only
LifetimeAs configured using Expires optionuntil deleteduntil tab is closed
SSL supportSupportedNot supportedNot supported
Maximum data size4KB5 MB5MB

After researching this is the difference between those 3, the cookie can be accessed by the server and client, the rest client side only, for lifetime cookie is configured using Expires option, local storage until deleted, session until tab is closed.

What is Hoisting

Hoisting is a JavaScript mechanism where variables, function declarations, and classes are moved to the top of their scope before code execution. Remember that JavaScript only hoists declarations, not initialization.

console.log(message); //output : undefined
var message = "The variable Has been hoisted";

Let's take a simple example of variable hoisting,

var message;
message = "The variable Has been hoisted";

In the same fashion, function declarations are hoisted too

message("Good morning"); //Good morning

function message(name) {

This hoisting makes functions to be safely used in code before they are declared.

What is the purpose of the let keyword

The let statement declares a block scope local variable. Hence the variables defined with let keyword are limited in scope to the block, statement, or expression on which it is used. Whereas variables declared with the var keyword are used to define a variable globally, or locally to an entire function regardless of block scope.

Let's take an example to demonstrate the usage,

let counter = 30;
if (counter === 30) {
  let counter = 31;
  console.log(counter); // 31
console.log(counter); // 30 (because the variable in if block won't exist here)

What if there's a lot of data, how would you fetch and render that?

I explained about chunking data where the data after fetching it would show the first few data and then keep going, but after researching this maybe what he meant was probably parallel data fetching but this happens when there are different endpoints, I may be wrong.

Data Fetching: Data Fetching Patterns and Best Practices | Next.js
Learn about common data fetching patterns in React and Next.js.

What is the difference between grid and flexbox?

CSS Grid Vs Flexbox: A Tutorial to Understand the Key Differences
The CSS grid and CSS flexbox layout’s core difference is that the flexbox was one-dimensional, while the grid is two-dimensional. Read on to learn more!

If there are non-compatible properties cross-browser how do you handle this?

What is virtual DOM?


This was my first frontend Interview and from the interviews I've taken, I can make a point that we will be better at taking interviews.